Open Call on Closing Local Coverage Gaps: Scoring Rubric

We encourage applicants to review the below rubric as they prepare their grant applications, as Press Forward will prioritize those that demonstrate the following criteria.

Note: The rubric is still being finalized and subject to minor changes.

Press Forward will prioritize organizations that are producing and delivering news and information to underserved audiences, such as communities of color, linguistically diverse communities, low-wealth rural communities, and others not adequately served, reached, or represented.

How does it measure?

20 points | Extensive Experience: The organization excels at providing news and information to underserved audiences. Without the organization, the audience would not have consistent or reliable local news.

15 points | Relevant Experience: The organization does provide news and information to underserved audiences. Without the organization, the audience would not have consistent or reliable local news.

10 points | Some Experience: The organization does provide some news and information to underserved audiences, but there are other outlets that serve the same audiences in more comprehensive ways.

5 points | Little Experience: The organization does not provide news and information to underserved audiences, but is looking for funding to produce and deliver news to an underserved audience within the next six months.

0 points | No Experience: The organization does not provide news and information to underserved audiences.

Press Forward will support news outlets that can demonstrate a commitment to community listening and audience research, especially those intentionally gathering audience feedback to guide their work.

How does it measure?

20 points | Extensive Experience: The organization excels at demonstrating a commitment to community listening and audience research, and implements audience feedback.

15 points | Relevant Experience: The organization does demonstrate a commitment to community listening and audience research, and implements audience feedback.

10 points | Some Experience: The organization attempts to demonstrate a commitment to community listening and audience research, but has not successfully implemented audience feedback.

5 points | Little Experience: The organization does not fully demonstrate a commitment to community listening and audience research, but plans to gather and implement audience feedback within the next six months.

0 points | No Experience: The organization does not demonstrate a commitment to community listening and audience research.

Press Forward will prioritize organizations that have evidence of strong networks and partnerships with members of their community.

How does it measure?

20 points | Extensive Experience: The organization shows strong evidence of collaborating deeply with multiple strong networks and having partnerships within its community.

15 points | Relevant Experience: The organization shows meaningful evidence of collaborating with a strong network or having a partnership within its community.

10 points | Some Experience: The organization shows some evidence of collaborating with a network(s) and having partnership(s) within its community, but it is limited.

5 points | Little Experience: The organization does not yet collaborate, but plans to collaborate with its community.

0 points | No Experience: The organization does not collaborate or plan to collaborate with its community.

Using LION Publishers’ definition of sustainability as a framework, Press Forward will prioritize outlets that are intentional about their editorial impact, operational resilience, and/or financial health. We will support organizations that have a clear plan for how they will use this investment as a foundational step toward developing and maintaining a long-term business model.

How does it measure?

20 points | Extensive Experience: The organization has a sustainable business model and is intentional about its editorial impact, operational resilience, and financial health (3 out of 3). The organization has a clear plan for how it would use funding to sustain its business.

15 points | Relevant Experience: The organization is intentional about its editorial impact, operational resilience, or financial health (2 out of 3), but has a clear plan for how it would use funding as a foundational step towards complete sustainability.

10 points | Some Experience: The organization is intentional about its editorial impact, operational resilience, or financial health (1 out of 3) and has some plans for how it would use funding as a foundational step towards sustainability.

5 points | Little Experience: The organization is not intentional about its editorial impact, operational resilience, or financial health yet, but has a clear plan for how it would use funding as a foundational step towards sustainability.

0 points | No Experience: The organization is not intentional about its editorial impact, operational resilience, or financial health, and does not have a clear plan it intends to implement in the near future.

Press Forward will support leaders who reflect the community served, listen to the community, and have a clear vision for how to effectively serve the local news needs of the community.

How does it measure?

20 points | Extensive Experience: The organization has leaders who reflect the community served, listen to the community, and have a clear vision for how to effectively serve the local news needs of the community. The leaders are exceeding expectations at implementing their vision.

15 points | Relevant Experience: The organization has leaders who reflect the community served, listen to the community, and have a clear vision for how to effectively serve the local news needs of the community. The leaders are successfully implementing their vision.

10 points | The organization has leaders who reflect the community served, listen to the community, and have a vision for how to effectively serve the local news needs of the community. The leaders are ideating how to activate their vision.

5 points | Little Experience: The organization has a leader(s) who reflect(s) the community served, listen to the community, or has a vision of how to effectively serve the local news needs of the community.

0 points | No Experience: The organization does not have community leadership.