Help us build this movement,

As local newsrooms have disappeared across America, communities have witnessed fading civic engagement, eroding social bonds, surging misinformation, and dwindling governmental accountability.

While philanthropic support for journalism has grown over the past decade, overall giving to local news falls short of what is needed. Press Forward funders are ready to move from individual grantmaking strategies to a shared vision and coordinated action that ensures individuals are informed and engaged on issues that affect their everyday lives.

With Press Forward, funders can engage financially in one of three ways:

Aligned Grantmaking

This option is for funders who have internal staff capacity or limitations on areas they can support, and prefer to retain maximum flexibility in which aligned grants they will pursue. Aligned grantmaking is made directly by funders to local news initiatives.

Pooled Fund

Funders can contribute to a pooled fund, managed by The Miami Foundation.

This fund is for those who wish to make a one-time contribution and are motivated to contribute to “big” swings.

Local Chapters

Press Forward Locals are a network of chapters across the country where funders are bringing new donors and foundations together to expand resources for local news. These place-based initiatives are driven by the specific needs of their communities. Learn more.

Sign Up

We’re building informed and engaged communities. Join us.

We are proud of the broad coalition of funders that have joined together and we invite additional funders to enhance nonprofit, public, and for-profit news and information.

Archewell Foundation
Annie E. Casey Foundation
The Arthur Vining Davis Foundation
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln
Democracy Fund
Ford Foundation
Glen Nelson Center
Heising-Simons Foundation
Henry Luce Foundation
Hewlett Foundation
INASMUCH Foundation
James B. McClatchy Foundation
Joyce Foundation
Knight Foundation
The Lenfest Institute
Lumina Foundation
MacArthur Foundation
McKnight Foundation
Rita Allen Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Scripps Howard Fund

Press Forward is powered by The Miami Foundation